Building a Community All Year Long

April might mark the beginning of World Autism Month but for those whose lives have been touched by autism spectrum disorder (ASD), awareness and advocacy efforts aren’t limited to just one month a year. “We have to educate every day,” affirms Silvia Haas. “We have to keep educating our audience.” Haas is the chief executive officer and one of the “founding sisters”... Read More
A Winning Formula

In addition to being former No. 1 overall draft picks and current NBA superstars, there is another common thread that binds Kyrie Irving, Ben Simmons and Cade Cunningham: They were all once mentored by the man who many consider to be the best high school basketball coach in the country. First at St. Patrick’s in New Jersey and for the past 12 years at Montverde Academy here in... Read More
A Guiding Light

Jessica Villegas knows as well as anyone that the teen and young adult years can be a tricky time to navigate, especially with no guidance on the journey. Although she is a successful career woman now—and the mother of three daughters—her childhood was anything but ideal, and having a strong role model or mentor in place would have done wonders for her self-esteem, not to mention... Read More
A Better View

Ask any parent about what they want most for their children and the response will likely revolve around seeing them grow up to live long lives full of happiness and good health. And while looking into their little one’s eyes can elicit instant feelings of joy, sometimes it’s what they don’t see that can be a cause for serious concern. A young child’s vision plays an integral... Read More
Tax Talk

Whether it’s the looming tax season or a formidable letter from the IRS, taxpayers should never go through such daunting circumstances alone. That’s why Kimberely Bates, EA, is committed to supplying her clients with the results and professionalism of a large-scale corporation while supporting them with the intimate attention and care found in small businesses. After years of... Read More
An Eye Opener

Women are often expected to wear many hats during a typical day, from wife and mother to busy professional and everything in between, all while holding themselves to impossibly high standards. Self-care and beauty regimens can sometimes take a backseat to the other demands they face, but that’s where a national brand with a growing presence in Central Florida can help. The Lash... Read More
Giving the Gift of a Smile

Although Fravel Brewer Orthodontics has been a fixture in the Central Florida community for more than three decades, and has been able to restore the self-esteem for countless teens and young adults during that time, the feeling of helping a child never grows old. In fact, the orthodontists’ love for coming to work is shared by the entire team, especially on those days when they... Read More
‘A Genuine Passion’

Devereux Advanced Behavioral Health is one of the most comprehensive nonprofit behavioral health care organizations in the country, offering services in 13 states. Founded in 1912 by one of the first pioneers in the field—Helena Devereux—it launched operations in Florida 35 years ago to meet the emotional and behavioral needs of local youth who have experienced significant trauma.... Read More
Building a Strong Foundation

Education isn’t just about academics: It’s about guiding and supporting children as they grow while showing them how to become conscientious community members, and Foundation Academy approaches that tremendous responsibility with the respect it deserves. The private Christian school for children from pre-kindergarten through 12th grade also ensures that faith-based fellowship... Read More
A Global Impact

From the moment it was founded in 1912, Montverde Academy (MVA) has been devoted to enriching the lives of students both inside and outside the classroom, and has established itself as a forward-thinking academic institution that inspires every child to reach their full potential. Of the school’s many unique aspects, perhaps none is more impactful than its incredible diversity,... Read More
Filling the Void

The long and arduous road to adopting a child can be a difficult one to navigate, full of twists and turns and cause for a range of emotions. But the process can be even more daunting for same-sex couples and other members of the LGBTQIA+ community, who often incur other obstacles that can further complicate matters. Here in Central Florida, 26Health is an organization easing... Read More
The Doctor Is In

Friends’ social media confessions, celebrities opening up about their troubles conceiving and popular entertainment increasingly addressing the very real struggles of trying to get pregnant have all, in recent years, helped diminish the taboo of talking about infertility. But as helpful as it is to have more resources and avenues for connecting with others who understand that... Read More
Leading the Charge

It happens every October. Across the country, pink ribbons are prominently displayed, survivors gather in support of one another and millions of dollars are raised all in the name of National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. And while there is considerable momentum built up during these 31 days on the calendar, the truth of the matter is the battle against the disease is very much... Read More
Love Your Skin

Florida has always been an attractive place to call home, but during the course of the pandemic the Sunshine State has welcomed hundreds of thousands of new residents in one of the biggest population increases seen across the entire country. And while there are undoubtedly several things these new Floridians find alluring, the favorable weather conditions are certainly at the top... Read More
The Heartbeat of the Neighborhood

Residents of College Park, Pine Hills and the surrounding areas are eagerly awaiting the opening of the new Leonard & Marjorie Williams Family YMCA. Slated to open later this year, the facility hopes to cater to the needs of all in the community. Executive Director Sonya Crider, known affectionately as “Coach,” took on her new role in the fall of last year. Since that... Read More
Tackling a Social Injustice

Human trafficking, and more specifically, commercial sexual exploitation of children (CSEC), is a large and growing concern around the world. Florida is ranked third in the nation for the most calls to the national hotline for trafficking cases. This is happening globally and domestically, in urban and suburban areas. Children, adolescents and adult survivors of human trafficking... Read More
One of a Kind

Whether they are limiting their big day to a few special guests or hoping to spend it with 100 of their closest friends and family members, there is no question that most couples beginning their life together want it to start with an unforgettable wedding. No site in Central Florida is better suited to deliver that experience than Gallery J, a one-of-a-kind venue in Winter Springs... Read More
Growing a Community

When Green Source FL held its grand opening last month, owner Tony Burrows estimates that nearly 200 people came out for a day filled with family fun and warm introductions. It’s exactly the kind of positive response and promising turnout Burrows was hoping would greet Downtown Orlando’s new medical marijuana health center. “The purpose of the grand opening was to introduce... Read More
An Eye on the Future

Diabetes is said to be one of the fastest-growing chronic diseases in the world, and in the United States alone there are 1.5 million new cases each year. The numbers for hypertension are even more alarming, with nearly half of all American adults experiencing high blood pressure and being in jeopardy of heart disease or stroke. What, exactly, does this have to do with the eyes?... Read More
Lifeguards on Duty

There has perhaps never been a time with a greater focus on mental health and the direct need to address anxiety, depression and other issues that continuously haunt individuals. One local organization understands this mission wholeheartedly and has established itself as a strong support system and leading provider for folks all across Central Florida who may be struggling. The... Read More
Together as One

Situated on an idyllic 48-acre campus in southwest Orange County, Windermere Preparatory School offers its students a one-of-a-kind experience, thanks in part to the lessons learned not only in the classroom, but also from one another. That’s because Windermere Prep, despite calling Central Florida home, is truly an international school with nearly 70 different nationalities represented.... Read More